Saddle-Billed Stork Botswana

Wildlife Photography Tips on Safari

Embarking on a Safari adventure can be an extremely exhilarating and meaningful experience. Going on Safari with places like Kalahari Safaris Botswana, offers the avid photographer an expansive canvas of impressive landscapes, wildlife and nature. It gives you the opportunity to view magnificent animals like Leopards, Lions and Elephants in their natural habitat, offering the opportunity to capture some breathtaking portraits. If you are planning on doing this, there are a few things you need to get in order. We will walk through some of the things we recommend here at Kalahari Safaris Botswana for you to have the photographic Safari of a lifetime.


Investing in the Right Gear


Before going out on a photographic Safari it is essential to get all your gear in order beforehand, and to invest in the correct equipment. A high-quality tripod can prove to be an invaluable resource for Safari photographs, ensuring your shots are stable and especially useful in poor-light conditions. Another essential to consider is a telephoto lens with a focal length of at least 200mm, as this allows you to photograph wildlife from some distance without disturbing them – getting a more natural shot. 


Understand the Animal Behaviour


Being a good Safari photographer takes more than just technical knowledge. It’s a great idea to familiarize yourself with the animals you are destined to encounter. As mentioned, with Kalahari Safaris Botswana you are likely to see many predatory cats, antelope such as the iconic Kalahari Kudu, and a variety of birdlife among others. Researching the animals you’re bound to see on your Safari allows you to anticipate their behavior and movements when you do get the chance to photograph them. Setting yourself up for success from the very beginning. It is also important to remember that seeing these animals one every Safari is not a guarantee as they are wild animals about their own business. But when you do spot them, it is essential to be ready. 


Utilize Natural Light


Most trips with Kalahari Safaris Botswana and others are always done around the magic hours of sunrise or sunset. This provides the photographer with warm, bright light, perfect for capturing amazing photographs. Good Safari photographers take advantage of these magic hours. This time of the day, when the sun is low on the horizon, sees the casting of long beautiful shadows and a brilliant contrast. Be sure to avoid harsh midday light, resulting in overexposed and washed-out images. 


In conclusion a Safari offers a brilliant playground for wildlife photographers. Presenting the opportunity to capture nature in its purest form. When done right, you will end up with a beautiful