Botswana Dangerous Game Safaris

Botswana is, without a doubt, the best destination on earth for hunting dangerous game. Unlike many other Africa hunting countries, all the dangerous game you will be pursuing are all free-range – which means that none of them are in any enclosures, and found in the wild as they would naturally be. Excellent management by Botswana Tourism and the prevalence of these dangerous game animals, such as African Cape Buffalo, Lions, Leopards and Elephants allow for Botswana hunting safaris to be like this. Botswana is the last place left where you are able to experience a classic safari with all the intrigue and excitement involved. A dangerous game safari in Botswana, especially when done with Kalahari Safaris, the best Botswana luxury lodge, is one of the most exciting and authentic experiences the modern hunter can have.


All Elephant hunting in Botswana is conservation based with strict quotas set by the Ministry of Botswana, these controlled programs assist the local communities along with giving a positive experience, while controlling dangerous animals at the same time.

The general population of the African Elephant is above its carrying capacities in many areas, hunting is one of the control methods needed to ensure a healthy population for the future.

If your quest is collecting the African Big 5 of Dangerous Game, then the number one area in the world for Trophy Class Big Bull Elephant’s is Botswana, Let Kalahari Safaris help you achieve your dreams.


Kalahari Safaris offers Cape Buffalo hunting in Botswana.

All free range hunting (no fences) spot/walk and stalk, you will enjoy a true old fashioned style hunt.

Accommodations will be in a Africa style hunting camp, which are very comfortable and located in remote areas with in specific concessions.

You will be hunting hard boss bulls only, these hunts are done on a 1×1 basis insuring you a quality and successful hunting adventure.

We have secured a limited number of Botswana Cape Buffalo quota from the top trophy producing concessions in Botswana if your interested, inquire for more details!


Kalahari Safaris offers Leopard Hunting, this magnificent trophy animal is in abundance in Botswana. 

First a Big Botswana Male Leopard track needs to be located, and we have decided before hand our method of hunting this leopard, will it be the old fashion tree baiting or will we be hunting him with dogs, both methods are very successful and very exciting. 

However it goes we will guarantee one thing, it will be high adventure hunting of this Spectacular Trophy, we have a very limited number of Leopard Tags, if you are serious do not wait.

Kalahari Safaris Elephant


One of the most popular questions we get is “is elephant hunting legal in Botswana?” Yes, it is! And there are many options available when choosing to hunt dangerous game in Botswana; the most popular choice for Botswana Hunting is pursuing animals with a vehicle in popular areas. When you go on a dangerous game safari in Botswana, you will be doing so on a custom-made vehicle outfitted with comfortable leather seats, mounts, bean bags and stands for guns, footrests and a wide array of beverages the whole time you are out.

You will be accompanied by a Professional Hunter on every Botswana hunting safari; our PHs have decades of experience and are experts in everything to do with scouting, firearms, shooting and ammunition in addition to being intimately familiar with the area and all the fauna and flora within it. We also have world-class bush-man trackers, each with years experience, who will be accompanying you on your trip to ensure that you are successful. Our specialists will be personally working with you throughout your stay, working hard and passionately to help you have your dream hunting safari, and getting your trophy.


The season in which you choose to visit Botswana can impact your Botswana hunting experience and the landscape which you will be operating in. Botswana only has two seasons: hot and wet Summers, and cool and dry winters. Both of these seasons are suitable for hunting, but each can have their advantages and disadvantages. Luckily, we will plan accordingly with the time of the year and the specific dangerous game we are after.

The most important note to make is that hunters generally always come during the winter, this is for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the quotas for dangerous game given out in the country, such as Botswana Elephant hunting and leopard hunting, are all generally available only in the winter as this is when the season opens for Botswana hunting. There are some practical reasons in addition to this – the sparse and dry vegetation during the winter makes it easier to spot animals, the extreme heat of the summer is avoided and animals tend to be more concentrated around known water points as water is scarce.

Kalahari Elephant
Kalahari Elephant


From having the best experts in the country, to the highest quality equipment and vehicles – Kalahari Safaris offers the best Botswana hunting experience you will ever have. Because so many of the members and staff at Kalahari Safaris is extremely passionate about dangerous game hunting, we have gone to great lengths to ensure that every part of our process is perfect, so that our hunters can be satisfied and choose to hunt with us again.

If you ever have questions about this, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details on our page. Our dedication and passion to being a shining beacon of classic hunting Safaris in Africa is unmatched – our experts are passionate and knowledgeable, outfitted with the best gear to make your hunting Safari as enjoyable and successful as possible.